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Articles by JMG

Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay.

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  • A Nobelist speaks

    This talk (about 85 min) by Prof. Steven Schneider (of the IPCC) is titled "Climate Change: Is the Science Settled Enough for Action?" That turned out to be a bit of a trick -- the talk is actually more of an exploration of what "settled enough" would mean, and why we need to be acting.

    It's a little slow in spots, but it picks up towards the end, and he really shines during the Q&A. There's something in here for almost all the regular Gristies who post or comment about the subject, and an interesting response on the "mitigation vs. adaptation" question.

  • Think globally by thinking locally

    A new study bolsters the importance-of-place arguments made by people like Wendell Berry: the strongest way to get people to engage with the problems and to act responsibly for the global environment is to focus on the threats to their own place).

    This doesn't really surprise me -- but it does prompt me to change my signature line to "Save your community -- cut greenhouse gas emissions 5% per year."

  • Word

    James Howard Kunstler, who has a new post-peak-oil novel out this week (World Made by Hand, which I hope to review soon) hits the nail on the head in his weekly commentary: