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Articles by JMG

Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay.

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  • Tubular, dude!

    Nature is still the best engineer -- though good human ones take advantage whenever possible.

    Here's a terrific, hopeful story about a bike designer who got a dog-gone good idea about making bike frames out of a widely grown, cheap, strong, environmentally sound material: bamboo.

    Now we just need to get BioD and this guy hooked up:

  • Predicts rabbit out of hat in three years, too

    Here's a film clip of Al Gore making a firm prediction that "next generation ethanol" not dependent on corn or food crops will move out of the lab in "three years."

    He discusses the energy balance question, fails to question the use of coal for process heat, and suggests that there is some sort of "distribution network" that's going to be built.


  • Vader, Cheney, same same

    The brilliant series of pieces on Dick (Vader) Cheney continues with the latest installment about destroying salmon runs for partisan purposes, making the western U.S. look like a pincushion punctured with drilling rigs, and unleashing the hounds of hell (snowmobiles) throughout Yosemite.

    Dick Cheney -- truly an execrable almost-human being.