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Articles by JMG

Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay.

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  • When insurers get serious about climate change, EVERYBODY gets serious about climate change

    United Services Automobile Association (USAA), a "most-admired" company in many different rankings, has decided not to insure multiple homes in FL for one policyholder -- the first step in what will eventually be the revolt of the insurance companies against climate denialists (and against Florida legislators who want policyholders in other states to share the costs of insuring the damages from more intense and frequent hurricane strikes).

    This is great news (unless you own multiple Florida homes).

    The insurance industry has long been the sleeping giant of climate policy response. A lot of very red states have a lot to lose from climate disruption, and the threat of finding your property uninsurable gives you a whole new perspective on whether we need to do something on climate before the tipping points are reached.

  • They’re not happy until you’re happy

    Why is the Oregon bottle bill, once a shining environmental breakthrough, failing?

    As a wise person named Lee Barrett noted here:

    It's the distributors than own the reverse vending machines. They are the ones that start the 5-cent deposit. The more disgusted you get with the process of returning the cans and bottles the more nickels they get to keep. They're not happy until you're not happy.

  • What would we do if bikers’ lives were worth as much as auto convenience?

    Great idea for a new law: Spouses and children of all traffic engineers must travel on the streets planned by their loved ones using a bike at least 50 percent of the time.

    What would happen then? Probably this.