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Articles by Joel Makower

Joel Makower is executive editor of, the annual State of Green Business report, and other websites and publications produced by Greener World Media, of which he is co-founder. He is the author or coauthor of more than a dozen books, including Strategies for the Green Economy.

All Articles

  • How a business can pick the best packaging

    You’ve created the World’s Greenest Product, and you’re shipping it off to your first big customer. You’ve made it from the most environmentally sensitive materials, using only renewable energy. It’s the pinnacle of eco-friendly everything. Special delivery. Photo: iStockphoto. So what are you going to pack it in, cardboard or plastic? And how are you […]

  • How companies are driving down the impacts of shipping

    We all know that planes, trains, and automobiles use gobs of fuel and spew mega-gobs of greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere — and that makes freight transport a particularly dirty business. Your new iPod is in there somewhere. Photo: iStockphoto. The environmental impacts of shipping goods hither and yon are significant but […]

  • How companies are tapping the benefits of saving water

    Name this critical and declining natural resource: It is pumped through pipelines and delivered by trucks. It is essential to our daily lives and to every business process and function. Its uneven distribution around the globe leads to vast chasms in countries’ development and economies. Wars have been fought over it. Water saved is a […]

  • Hospitals and doctors’ offices look to cure their environmental ills

    The irony is almost too obvious to state: tens of thousands of hospitals, doctors’ offices, medical laboratories, and assorted other health-care providers spew toxic substances into the environment, or dispose of trash containing a noxious mix of contaminated or infectious waste. Some of it will make its way into the air, water, and soil. All […]