Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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Urban revitalization via art contest in Grand Rapids, Mich.
My interest in the ArtPrize contest underway in Grand Rapids, Mich., stems from this line from Gene Duvernoy: "Cities are what's going to get us out of this mess ... and what makes cities livable is art."
A chat with Earl Blumenauer about livable communities and right-wing paranoia
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) spoke with Grist about livability, paranoia, and spreading the success of Portland.
Friedman misses what's really holding America back on clean energy
Obama isn't trying to raise the gasoline tax because conservatives have made it next to impossible to talk about raising taxes of any sort. Even phasing out tax breaks for millionaires might prove beyond the ability of Congress this fall -- forget taking on something as pocketbook-sensitive as gas taxes.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry fights climate action but embraces wind power
Perry relishes his role as a foe of national climate action. He lambasted the climate bill that passed the House last year as an "economic disaster." He is suing the EPA to block it from regulating greenhouse gas pollution. But he also oversaw one of the more impressive clean-energy success stories of the past decade: the Texas wind industry.