Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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One doctor’s quest to sound the alarm on ‘wind turbine syndrome’
By the time the pediatrician Nina Pierpont settled in upstate New York, she had already built a rather diverse and full career. As the Connecticut native tells it, she studied birds in the Amazon jungle on her way to earning a Ph.D. in behavioral ecology, then enrolled in medical school, completing a degree and practicing […]
Cash for Clunkers brought us … more clunkers!
So how did Cash for Clunkers work out from an environmental standpoint? You don’t want to know. The $3 billion federal program was kinda sorta supposed to send inefficient, high-polluting, belchy vehicles to an early grave. Instead it put a lot of new large, inefficient vehicles on the road, according to an AP investigation of […]
Climate psychology in cartoons: clues for solving the messaging mystery
Illustration courtesy Ian Webster/CREDFor the climate-change message to finally sink in, for the 64 percent of Americans who don’t believe in the problem (according to a recent Pew poll) to start changing their minds, the place to begin might be the local high-school gym. Have a respected teacher—maybe from the science department—lead a public presentation. […]
Washington governor isn’t falling for big geoengineering fixes
There is no silver bullet. There is only golden buckshot. –Washington Governor Christine Gregoire on her all-hands-on-deck cleantech philosophy, speaking at the Cleantech Open‘s Pacific Northwest Regional Awards Gala Oct. 29. She was quoting Blue Marble Energy CEO Kelly Ogilvie.