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Articles by Jordan Haedtler

Jordan Haedtler is a campaign associate with, which seeks to ensure Americans receive accurate information about climate change.

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The Washington Post’s publication of an outrageously misleading, climate change-denying editorial by- of all people- the chair of the House Science Committee serves as another reminder of the lamentable state of our climate discourse. Few public officials are willing to confront stark climate realities, and little more than lip service is given as humanity blazes past ominous milestones like the highest atmospheric concentration of carbon in 5 million years. Even as New Jersey struggles to recover from the fossil-fueled devastation of Superstorm Sandy, Governor Chris Christie dismissed the notion that his state should prepare for future climate impacts, rejecting the premise that Sandy was influenced by climate change, and accusing his questioner of promoting a liberal public radio agenda.

At least one elected official can usually be counted on for real talk about our climate crisis: California Governor Jerry Brown, who just criticized the media for ignoring climate change. Governor Brown’s office even features a comprehensive fact briefing on climate science, complete with rebuttals to typical climate denier talking points. Speaking before the National Governors As... Read more

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