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Articles by Joshua Kahn Russell

Joshua Kahn Russell works as the global trainings manager at, and is a facilitator, action coordinator, and strategy trainer with the Ruckus Society.

All Articles

  • Open letter to 1Sky from the grassroots

    I was asked to post the letter below, written by grassroots organizations across the United States (Grassroots Global Justice, Movement Generation, Indigenous Environmental Network, Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives — full list at the end). We are at a critical moment for reflection on movement strategy. Perspectives from the front-lines are illuminating. – JKR To […]

  • Environmentalists say: stop ALL of Arizona's anti-immigrant law

    Today, Arizona’s “show me your papers” anti-immigrant law SB1070 goes into effect. Across the country, July 29th has been declared a national day of action for Human Rights. Phoenix is ground zero for the collective outrage and protest that this bill has inspired. Here thousands of people are in the streets, many showing their courage […]

  • How Bolivia celebrates Earth Day

    This morning my email inbox was full of advocacy groups commemorating the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. As the ecological systems that support life are reaching their brink, there is certainly a good reason to use this opportunity to shine a spotlight on a range of issues and challenges. But activist organizations aren’t alone in […]

  • Pledge to End Mountaintop Removal in 2010

    From Nell Greenberg. I have spent the last two years working to end the devastating, unjust practice of mountaintop removal coal mining (MTR). This is a practice that requires dynamiting the tops off of ancient Appalachian Mountains and contaminating families’ drinking water for a tiny tiny amount of our nation’s coal. I don’t live in […]