Articles by Kate Sheppard
Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.
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Foundation throws down big bucks for climate change mitigation policy and technology
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation announced earlier this week that they would be doling out $100 million for global warming research over the next five years. The money will go to nonprofit groups, research institutions, and universities to support developing policies and technologies that will reduce emissions and help build a “clean energy economy.” “The […]
Gingrich and Kerry face off on climate, except they don’t really face off all that much
John Kerry and Newt Gingrich squared off on climate change this morning. The result? Gingrich committed to the statement that something needs to be done and distanced himself from partisan brethren like Inhofe. He also dropped a line about a need for some “green conservatism.” The transcript: KERRY: I’m excited to hear you talk about […]
Somehow, I don’t feel that bad for you
The latest impact of climate change: eco-anxiety. Symptoms: Generalized discomfort and stress related to the future of the world and possibly your personal role in said future. Ways to fight it: Blame “the media.” Blame the IPCC. Spend lots of money on an “eco-therapist.” Carry around minerals. Buy greener stuff to make yourself feel better. […]
Gore to open Tribeca film fest
This just in: The Goracle will open the Tribeca Film Festival on April 25, playing host for the global-warming-themed SOS Short Films Program. The program features seven short films and music performances by groups set to appear at the Live Earth concerts on 7/7/07.