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Articles by Kate Sheppard

Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.

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  • The House climate bill debate, in one minute

    Grist sat through roughly six hours of debate of the climate bill on Friday, and if you were watching or following our live blogging of it, you know how painful it got at times. For those who want to see the short version of Friday’s debate, Progressive Media USA put together a one-minute summary of […]

  • House passes landmark climate and clean-energy bill

    House Democrats late Friday eked out a win on the American Clean Energy and Security Act, getting just one more vote than was necessary to pass the sweeping bill. The victory marks the first major action by the U.S. Congress to address climate change, but the narrowness of the vote suggests the fragile nature of […]

  • Pelosi cracks the whips to get climate bill passed

    Are there 218 votes in the House of Representatives for clean energy and a healthier climate? Rep. Mike Doyle is one of nine lawmakers “whipping” up votes for the Waxman-Markey bill. Above, Doyle at a June 24 rally on Capitol Hill.Kate Sheppard / GristWith a vote on the American Clean Energy and Security Act expected […]

  • Obama puts political capital on passage of climate bill

    President Obama laid a significant chunk of his political capital on the table on Thursday, calling on House members to support the climate and energy bill that will go to a vote on Friday. “Now it the time for us to lead. The energy bill before the House will finally create a set of incentives […]