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Articles by Katharine Wroth

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  • From Wild Life to Wildlife

    Diff’rent spokes While Owen got over his heartbreak by biking to a strip club, bicyclists around the world stripped to show their eco-love. Which gives a whole new meaning to banana seat. Photo: Steve Granitz/ We failed kindergarten This artist installed a phone in a melting glacier, so callers can hear every agonizing drip […]

  • Use this one to win every argument

    Today’s Wicked Awesome Comeback comes from Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D. Doesn’t matter whom he said it to, or why (OK, it was to Big Auto because they’re raising a stink about fuel efficiency) — it’s applicable in all kinds of situations: “I think your position is yesterday forever.”

  • Laurie and Larry David call it quits

    Is it because she gave away his hybrid? Dunno, but if you want to read a bunch of substance-free psychobabble about the possible reasons why Laurie and Larry David are divorcing, you’re in luck.

  • Condi Rice goes out on limbs

    First she rides in an electric car, now she says disagreeing with your government is not unpatriotic? Condi better watch her back.