Articles by Katharine Wroth
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Eating well is cheap! And fun!
Has anyone seen Wal-Mart's new commercial? I caught it -- full of happy children smearing themselves with organic food -- the other night. Apparently it started airing a few weeks ago, and is the first part of a multi-million-dollar campaign. According to Ad Week, it's the company's first ad campaign to focus on food. Related print ads will launch this month in several publications.
I have to admit, the tagline "organic food at Wal-Mart prices" sounds appetizing to me (and my wallet), even though I know all the reasons it shouldn't. Wonder how it'll work on everyone else?
Extreme temps all over the place
Hmm ... record-breaking heat in the U.S. and Europe and an unusually severe winter in South Africa? What the heck?
(On a related note, this gets my vote for Best Unexpected Subhead Ever: "Concern for homeless, concert-goers, animals.")
It’s tough living in a post-Katrina world
What happens when a hurricane wrecks your city, the feds fail to respond, and then the whole country kinda forgets about you? This. Not exactly surprising, but makes a sad story even more so.
From Hot to Hott
AC dicey Americans know what to do when it’s hotter than firecrotch out there: crank the AC and use more juice than ever before! We salute thee, supreme energy-suckers. Conservation be damned. Photo: iStockphoto. Drink. Lick. Stir. Repeat. Beat the heat with a chill “Lollipoptail” — so named when Cynthia Nixon dipped an organic Pomegranate […]