Articles by Katharine Wroth
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An escaped prisoner’s natural inclinations
A while back, we ran an article on the prison-environment connection. I was reminded of it today when reading an interview with Charles Thompson about his escape last month from a Texas jail. This was the first quote from the death-row inmate: "I got to smell the trees, feel the wind in my hair, grass under my feet, see the stars at night. It took me straight back to childhood being outside on a summer night."
Avian-flu vaccine might or might not work
You might have seen our recent counter culture on avian flu, the latest head-scratcher for conservation-medicine buffs. In that article, we said there was no successful vaccine to fight the disease.
That's still true, but the U.S. is stockpiling one that "might" work. "I think the vaccine would give you partial protection," said its creator, Robert Webster. "It would probably protect you from death. You would probably get very sick but not die."
But don't count your chickens before they hatch.
From Mascara to Montreal
Beyond eye shadow of a doubt Courtney Corvan may be the only Makeup Artist to the Stars who makes a point of using vegan, cruelty-free products. Funny, we thought being cruelty-free just meant not telling Rachel Hunter her pores are the size of planets. (Oh, Rachel, we kid.) Well, that’s ironicalicious Mazda recently announced that […]
Even climate-change is a gender issue
Well, now, here's something I hadn't thought about: the relationship between gender and climate change. Immediately I want to roll my eyes (too much time at a women's college), but there seem to be many serious studies out there on this topic. I will investigate further. Any thoughts?