Articles by Sr. Staff Writer Nathanael Johnson
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The next front in the GMO war: Synthetic biology
A new wrinkle in bioscience could help save rainforests. Or maybe not. Let's not shut down the debate before we even have it.
Alice Waters vs. the techno-chefs: The evolution of wild gourmet
What's more natural -- locavore purism or technical wizardry? Pork from a happy pig or live ants on your lettuce? An email dialogue about the future of sustainable eating.
Organic farming is great, but it’s not Jesus
Organic agriculture can indeed do good things for the soil that reduce greenhouse gases. But overselling the advantages can backfire.
Michelle Obama’s food fight with GOP: Schools just want to have funds
Politicians fighting over funding for school lunches are lurching toward loosening rules when they should really get serious about boosting funding.