Articles by Sr. Staff Writer Nathanael Johnson

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Nervous about MRSA? Us too — but here’s what we can do
There are scary new links between our overuse of antibiotics in agriculture and disease-resistant pathogens in humans. Deep breath: We can still take steps to fix it.
Just add compost: How to turn your grassland ranch into a carbon sink
Can open fields capture atmospheric carbon and stash it away in the soil? You bet, says the data from a project in Marin.
What I learned from six months of GMO research: None of it matters
Why does anyone care about GMOs? Whoever wins the debate, they're not that important to our future. But they're central to the stories we tell.
Looney tuna: Did anyone really pay $2 million for a fish?
The first bluefin tuna sold at Tsukiji fish market didn't command millions this year (if it ever did). That's good news for endangered sushi.