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Articles by Rebecca Tarbotton

Rebecca Tarbotton is executive director of the Rainforest Action Network.

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Hey, presidential wannabes: Can you hear us now?

It’s time to get loud.Dear friends,

Last week, a jury in Utah found Tim DeChristopher guilty for standing up to the oil and gas companies in an effort to protect our health and our climate.

If the federal government thinks that it’s intimidating people into silence with this kind of prosecution, think again. This is precisely the sort of event that reminds us why we need creative, nonviolent protests and mass mobilizations.

Over the last six months, we’ve witnessed big changes in the world that call out for creative, nonviolent protest, including:

The wild and extreme weather and flooding that marked the end of the warmest year on record The complete collapse of efforts on Capitol Hill to do anything about climate change The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which grants corporations unfettered influence over our elections

We’ve also seen a historic outpouring of people power to combat environmental crises, reclaim our democracy, and disrupt corporate influence. From the exhilarating outbreak of the freedom movement across North Africa and the Mideast to the amazing stand for democracy and workers’ righ... Read more

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