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Articles by Richard Graves

Richard Graves is the Founder of Fired Up Media and was the blogger for the TckTckTck campaign, an Associate Producer with LinkTV's EarthFocus, and the editor of It's Getting Hot in Here -- dispatches from the youth climate movement. He is an online journalist who focuses on climate issues and human health, youth engagement, and the politics of the environmental movement. He also is a food blogger at Food with Fervor.

Featured Article

Bill McKibben gets arrested in front of the White House.Photo: Shadia Fayne Wood/Tar Sands ActionCross-posted from It’s Getting Hot in Here.

Seventy people from across the U.S. and Canada were arrested in front of the White House Saturday morning on the first day of a two-week sit-in aimed at pressuring President Obama to deny the permit for a massive new oil pipeline. More than 2,000 additional people are expected to join the daily civil disobedience over the coming days.

At stake is what has quickly become the largest environmental test for Obama before the 2012 election: The president must choose whether or not to grant a Canadian company a permit to build a 1,700-mile pipeline from the Alberta tar sands to refineries on the Gulf of Mexico.

Environmentalists warn that the pipeline could cause a BP disaster right in America’s heartland, over the largest source of fresh drinking water in the country, the Ogallala Aquifer. The nation’s top climatologist, James Hansen, has warned that if the Canadian tar sands are fully developed, it could be “game over” for the climate.

“It’s not the easiest thing on earth for... Read more

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