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Articles by Richard Heinberg

Richard Heinberg is a senior fellow with the Post Carbon Institute and author of 11 books, including The End of Growth and, most recently, Snake Oil.

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The piece is excerpted from the new book Snake Oil: How Fracking’s False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future.

ShutterstockWe’re running low on cheap oil.

For the past decade I’ve been a participant in a high-stakes energy policy debate — writing books, giving lectures, and appearing on radio and television to point out how downright dumb it is for America to continue relying on fossil fuels. Oil, coal, and natural gas are finite and depleting, and burning them changes Earth’s climate and compromises our future.

In the past two or three years this debate has reached a significant turning point. Evidence that climate change is real and caused by human activity has become irrefutable, and serious climate impacts (such as the melting of the Arctic ice cap) have begun appearing sooner, and with greater severity, than had been forecast. Yet at the same time, the notion that fossil fuels are supply-constrained has gone from being generally dismissed, to being partially accepted, to being vociferously dismissed. The increasingly dire climate story has achieved widespread (though still insuff... Read more

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