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Articles by Russ Walker

Russ Walker is a former editor.

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  • EPA issues clarification on mountaintop removal notice

    One can only wonder whether the following EPA statement regarding its move on mountaintop removal was prompted by some angry phone calls to the agency from certain influential West Virginia lawmakers. In any event, here’s what the EPA sent out late Tuesday: Following reports that mischaracterize actions taken by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), […]

  • Preparing for new site, Grist temporarily suspending comments

    Begging your pardon, but we've turned comments off on Grist in advance of our upcoming site relaunch.

    Keep an eye out for the new, which will include a customizable comments section (among other snazzy features).

    And if you're just burning to speak up before then, drop us a line: grist AT grist DOT org.

  • Search giant plans to devote more IT expertise to energy issues

    If you're a fan of Google's efforts to encourage energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy (i.e. RechargeIT, Clean Energy 2030, and PowerMeter), get ready for more.

    A post on the official Google blog says the company plans to "to put even more engineers and technical talent to work on these issues and problems."

    Larry Brilliant, the "chief philanthropy evangelist" at, offered up that bit of news in a post about a larger change at the Google philanthropy arm -- that Google exec Megan Smith will take over day-to-day management of, allowing Brilliant to "spend more time motivating policy makers, encouraging public and private partnerships, and generally advocating for the changes that we must make as a global society to solve these problems."

    More from Brilliant's post:

    In this global economic crisis, the work is doing, together with our many colleagues around the world, to help develop cheap clean energy, find and fight disease outbreaks before they sweep the globe, and build information platforms for underserved people globally, is more important than ever. We stand behind the commitment made in 2004 to devote 1% of Google's equity and profits to philanthropy, and we will continue to iterate on our philanthropic model to make sure our resources have the greatest possible impact for good.

  • Using stimulus funds to make mass transit free

    Irwin Kellner, chief economist for MarketWatch, suggests a better use for the billions contained in the economic stimulus legislation:

    Right now federal money for states and local governments is aimed at big capital projects such as buying new trains or busses. But what is the point of buying new transit equipment if the local systems are mothballing their fleet because of service cuts?

    Better to use these funds to help eliminate fares and maintain or increase service. It also avoids the government giving people tax cuts with one hand while taking them away with the other.