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Articles by Sarah van Schagen

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  • A new book reveals the truth about Chilean sea bass

    Ahoy, mateys! Methinks you landlubbers will enjoy this here installment of Something Fishy, as I bring news of a book hitting the shelves this month -- about pirates! That's right, me hearties, it's called Hooked: Pirates, Poaching, and the Perfect Fish, and the "perfect fish" in question is the Patagonian toothfish (better known to seafoodies as Chilean Sea Bass). As described in press materials, Hooked is an adventure story about toothfish poachers caught in one of the longest pursuits in nautical history.

    Unfortunately, I can't offer me own opinion on the book -- bit hard to read out on these rough seas, what with the eye patch and all ... arrr! -- but I hear that Tom Brokaw is a big fan and had this to say: "Hooked is a fish story, a global whodunit, a courtroom drama -- and a critically important ecological message all rolled into one. Read this and you'll never look at Chilean Sea Bass on the menu the same way."

    Word on the poop deck is that author G. Bruce Knecht will be interviewed by Brokaw on the Today Show tomorrow. (Too bad me ship doesn't get good reception out here!)

    From the press materials, some Patagonian toothfish facts:

  • From Bare Ass to Bono

    Look at the set of issues on that chick! At a boring heads-of-state summit, a bikini-sporting beauty queen crashed a photo shoot, protesting a pulp mill planned for Uruguay. “It was one of the best things that has happened at this summit,” said Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. He added, “I didn’t see anything about pulp, […]

  • From Flush to Flesh

    Mellowed yellow Politico-Brits are rushing to expose their eco-cred — allowing personal tidbits to trickle into the media. London mayor Ken Livingstone says he’s “let it mellow” for 15 months, while the Conservative Potty Party chair eschews the toilet entirely, suggesting that his fellow citizens pee on their compost instead. Talk about a government leak. […]

  • From Beauty to Burgers

    Miss environmentality The newly crowned Miss Rhode Island has taped up her boobies, Vaselined her teeth, and strutted her stuff in a swimsuit and heels — all in the service of fighting global warming. The tiara’d staffer for the Harvard Green Campus Initiative says it’s all part of her plan to push the issue in […]