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Articles by Ted Glick

Ted Glick is the national policy director for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. Past writings and more information can be found here.

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  • Straight talk with Congressman Doyle

    “This is 2009. We’ve got 41 years in this deal, and we shouldn’t be so worried about the first 10 years.” — Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.), Environment and Energy Daily, May 7, 2009 The time for climate action is now.wwarby via FlickrI had no plans yesterday morning as I woke up and turned on my […]

  • Ted Glick on two new books that address capitalism and the environment

    I don't know if Gus Speth and Tony Mazzocchi knew each other personally. But as two fascinating books make clear, their distinct life experiences led them both to believe that the capitalist system which now dominates most of the world is the ultimate problem humanity must face up to and deal with if we are to survive.

  • We must hit the streets to demand action on global warming

    “Given the urgency and magnitude of the escalating pace of climate change, the only hope lies in a rapid and unprecedented mobilization of humanity around this issue … that some spark might ignite a massive uprising of popular will around a unifying movement for social survival and the promise it holds for a more prosperous, […]