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Articles by Terry Tamminen

Terry Tamminen is the former secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency and is now a policy adviser and author. His latest book is Watercolors: How JJ the Whale Saved Us.

Featured Article

What do you get Mother Earth on her big day (reminder: it’s April 22nd!)? She’s just so hard to shop for and, after all, she already has everything. She might appreciate one of those self-help books, although few moms want a gift that implies they are fat or “polluted”, but aren’t her kids the reason she might be feeling worn out and depleted in the first place? Well, here are the Top Five Tips to help you pick out something in her size and color that might just brighten her coming year:

5. A new U.S. Congress. OK, so you’ll have to give her a gift certificate for that, because you can’t actually deliver this before the November elections, but let’s face it, her current Congress needs a total makeover when it comes to sustainability. For example, one survey shows 163 members of Congress took nearly $60m in campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry last year and, not surprisingly, deny that climate change is a problem ( When the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meets again in Paris in 2015 to hammer out a new global “post Kyoto” agreement to tackle climate change, we need a Congress that will... Read more

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