It’s a good thing the Homefarm is still just a twinkle in its architects’ eyes, or Grist might suddenly find itself a little short in the editorial department. I mean, just look at this proposal for an assisted-living facility that mixes urban farming with high-density living and tell me you wouldn’t consider early retirement:


SPARK Architects

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SPARK Architects created the beautiful proposal to address two major issues in Singapore: a rapidly aging population and low food security. Singapore is one of the fastest aging countries in the world, and it imports more than 90 percent of its food.

The apartment’s stadium would house a massive vertical aquaponic farm, recycling waste from farmed fish for nutrients to feed plants, which in turn clean the water. The farm would also collect rainwater, which means more than just green cred: Singapore currently imports 30 to 40 percent of its water from Malaysia.

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And beyond the health benefits and fresh veggies, the optional farming jobs would give seniors a sense of community and a source of income and pride. The designs also include apartments for multiple generations of families, a kindergarten, and shops.

While there are currently no actual plans to build the Homefarm, and the prospect would be hugely expensive and possibly not even viable, I love the idea of designing with health, food security, and community in mind. So get cracking, SPARK Architects. I plan on retiring by 2100 at the latest.