Hate all politicians? Your excuse sucks. Think your vote doesn’t matter? Your excuse sucks. Don’t have reliable transportation to your polling place? Your excuse … is actually pretty valid. But never fear, because Zipcar is offering half-price reservations today to help you get out and vote.
You don’t have to vote to get the discount — you have to vote in order to be a responsible citizen and a decent human being, but for the cheap Zipcar you just have to be a member and make a reservation between 5 a.m. and 9 p.m. Pricing depends on where you live, but with the discount, cars will probably be $3 to $4 per hour.
This won’t get everyone to the polls. Zipcar serves over 100 U.S. cities, but it’s not available everywhere. There’s a monthly membership fee and an application fee that puts it out of a lot of carless people’s reach. And the discount is only for people who are members already. But it’s a good option if Zipcar is one of your regular car-ownership alternatives, and you need to drive to the polls today — perhaps because you live in a city where public transit has been hobbled and polling places have moved.