I just got back from the Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit in NYC. It was a mixed bag, like all conferences — not sure I understand the rationale behind inviting so many fossil-fuel shills to an event like this (Canadian oil minister Joe Oliver? really?) — but the ratio of new-and-interesting to Christ-how-many-times-have-I-heard-this was substantially above average. Congrats to the crew at BNEF, whose work, I hardly need to point out, you should be following.

One of the highlights of the event, as I expected, was BNEF head honcho Michael Liebreich's keynote address on trends in clean energy investment. It was centered around the conference’s theme of a “new ROI,” i.e., resilience, optionality, and intelligence. (I wrote a piece on that theme a little while back.)

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If you have a few minutes and are interested in the present and future of clean energy, I recommend watching it:

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