Pantex Plant

Pantex PlantThe project’s logo.

If the nuclear apocalypse comes, at least it will be a little more climate-friendly.

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Construction of five 400-foot wind turbines is beginning today at America’s main site for assembling, disassembling, and maintaining its nuclear arsenal.

The 2.3-megawatt turbines are expected to produce more than half of the power used at the Pantex Plant in the Texas Panhandle. When the blades start spinning next summer, the facility will be the largest federally owned wind farm.

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“The windfarm will play a key role in helping Pantex achieve President Obama’s directive that the federal government lead the way in clean energy and energy efficiency,” says a Pantex press release. And the turbines will save the government millions in energy costs too.

The project is part of a broader campaign to make the nation’s nuclear weapons system more eco-friendly. It has a slogan — “Greening the nuclear security enterprise” — and its very own logo featuring a nuke, some wind turbines, wheat, a steer, and, of course, an American flag.