Climate Culture
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By 2045, some East Coast cities could flood 3 times a week
Get your rain boots ready.
TV teaches kids about science — with one glaring exception
Kids might not learn about melting ice caps, but at least they'll know about colossal squid!
Many Native Americans lack access to healthy food, but there’s a growing movement to change that
Gardening brings health and peace of mind on reservations.
The Standing Rock Sioux will not back down
Trump's executive order is renewing the fight.
Women’s marches, occurring across seven continents, include a focus on environment
A march by eco-minded activists in Antarctica is just the latest of hundreds planned around the U.S. and the world.
What does environmental justice organizing look like in the time of Trump?
Miya Yoshitani of the Asian Pacific Environmental Network talks about how her work is changing post-election -- and how it's not.
In Greenland, abandoned oil drums turn into fleeting art
Julia Edith Rigby was fascinated by trash near a Greenland village -- so she made it into art.
The California drought is on its way out, but deeper droughts lie ahead
Climate swings are only going to get worse.
Oil and gas leases canceled on Blackfeet sacred land in Montana
The tribe has fought against the Badger-Two Medicine leases for 30 years.
Turns out community gardening might be pretty good rehab
Caring for a garden is kind of like kicking booze, says one tough-talking Vietnam vet.