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The Cochise County Groundwater Wars
A thirsty megafarm is driving a libertarian enclave in Arizona to embrace a radical solution: government regulation.
Los escombros de los desastres están empujando los vertederos de Puerto Rico al límite
El compostaje podría ser la solución.
Disaster debris is pushing Puerto Rico’s landfills to the brink
Composting could be the solution.
How a Utah utility is helping an Estonian oil company hoard Colorado River water
$10 for 3.2 billion gallons of water? A loophole in Utah law could enable the country’s first commercial oil mining operation.
Cities want more trees. Drought is complicating their efforts.
As water resources dwindle, Western communities are investing in new ways to ensure young trees survive.
The West’s biggest source of renewable energy depends on water. Will it survive the drought?
Glen Canyon and the Hoover Dam are “not the whole story.”
Report: Extreme heat will hit urban poor the hardest, worsening inequality
The good news is that prevention is possible.
Hurricane Julia leaves a path of destruction through Central America
The region is still recovering from a particularly intense hurricane season in 2020.
Phoenix could see deadliest year for heat deaths after sweltering summer
After 22 days hitting 110 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, suspected heat deaths in the Arizona capital topped 450.
West Virginia, Kentucky officials ignored plans for catastrophic floods
For years officials have ignored their own completed plans for how to prevent these kinds of disasters from happening in the first place.