Climate Health
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Date with disaster: Adventurers sail through wave of tsunami debris
Last year, a tidal wave washed an entire Japanese city into the sea. The debris, washing this way, holds clues about the nature of our trash-filled oceans.
Rio hangover: 50,000 people rallied for the Earth Summit. Did it do any good?
We came, we saw, we spent hours and hours stuck in Rio’s mythic traffic jams. Here's what we have to show for it.
Romney opposes mercury rule, beclowns himself again
Let's take a minute to mock the Romney campaign's stance on mercury and other toxic power plant emissions.
Fire retardants are great at killing forest fires, fish
New rules governing the use of retardants are intended to prevent the sort of die-off seen in Oregon in 2002. But they aren't always the first priority.
EPA proposes sensible update to soot pollution limits. Expect outrage
The proposed new standard limiting particulate pollution makes a lot of sense and will save lives. So no wonder certain people will go nuts.
Why the power industry is running away from coal
The market for coal is drying up nearly as rapidly as the seams in Appalachia.
Diesel exhaust causes cancer, WHO says
The unexpected-but-still-important finding puts diesel exhaust on par with second-hand smoke.
Pollution makes carnivorous plants go vegetarian
Acid rain apparently has one benefit: It gives carnivorous plants so much nitrogen that they no longer need to eat meat. A new study has determined that sundews in Swedish bogs are cutting back on their insect consumption, which is good news if you’re an insect or a human concerned about a Little Shop of Horrors scenario. Unfortunately, […]
China’s smog city: What Wuhan looks like with 20 times the U.S. dust limit
Residents of the Chinese province of Wuhan are coping with a smog like you've never seen.
Getting used to being in charge of the planet
Decisions made by people alive today will determine the fate of life on Earth for centuries to come. It's time to take responsibility for our planet.