Every step the Obama administration takes towards approving the Keystone XL pipeline means a step towards putting more money into the pockets of Koch Industries. Although the company has denied having an interest in the pipeline (it has "nothing to do with any of our businesses," company reps have told Rep. Henry Waxman's staff), Inside Climate News has uncovered documents proving that a Koch Industries subsidiary has a business interest in the approval of the pipeline.

The subsidiary, Flint Hills Resources Canada LP, describes itself as "among Canada's largest crude oil purchasers, shippers and exporters." It filed as an intervenor in the approval of the Canadian portion of the pipeline. That means that the pipeline does indeed have something to do with at least one of Koch Industries' businesses. Which means that spokespeople lied (knowingly or not) to congressional staff.

Other companies probably stand to make more money from this ill-advised project, but if the Koch brothers have an interest in it, it should be a red flag to a Democratic administration that building this pipeline not the greatest of ideas.