These chairs, from two London designers, are a great object lesson in why conscientiousness alone is not enough to change people’s habits. They’re made from wood shavings and bioresin, so they’re eco-friendly. But they’re also butt-ugly, so why would you choose them over a chair that doesn’t look like crystallized barf?

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The designers are making use of raw materials that could otherwise go to waste, so that’s positive. Inhabitat calls the material “foam-like,” which sounds comfortable. But come on. Especially in that greeny-brown color, is this really an appealing design element?


Actually, the chairs basically are made of wood barf — little bits of wood, chewed up by a saw, mixed together with a liquid that makes it expand “by up to five times its original volume.” That’s more or less what happens to food in your stomach. But at least no one thinks you should sit on that, or put it in your house.