This little piggy was on its way to market — technically, it was on its way to a feeding facility where it would be fattened up and one day slaughtered and sold at a market — when he decided that, actually, he wanted to be the little piggy who stayed home. He squeezed through a hole of the truck that was transporting him and out onto a Canadian highway.

Passing cars saw the whole thing, and alerted the police, who eventually came and got him. He was a little banged up. (Reports do not show if he was crying wee wee wee.) It was Brenda Bronfman of Toronto’s Wishing Well Animal Sanctuary who, in the end, took him all the way home, where he’ll live a longer and healthier life than he was destined for. Now he has a name (it’s Yoda) and a sweater, and new piggy friends with whom to stay home and eat vegan roast beef.