And at a low, low price! (Image courtesy of Engadget.)

An iPad costs you at least $400. That’s for an older model; the latest version runs up to $830. And that doesn’t include the data plan. Depending on your carrier and options, you could be paying another $50 a month. So for a year, the high-end iPad with the most expensive data plan will run you over $1,400.

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On top of that, you have to charge the thing. According to a study from the Electric Power Research Institute, adding the cost of powering your $1,400 investment brings your annual total up to … $1,401.36.

Consumers who fully charge their iPad tablet every other day can expect to pay $1.36 for the electricity needed annually to power the device, according to an  assessment by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).

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The analysis shows that each model of the iPad consumes less than 12 kWh of electricity over the course of a year, based on a full charge every other day. By comparison, a plasma 42” television consumes 358 kWh of electricity a year.

They also tested other electronic devices.

The EPRI analysis shows that the Apple iPhone 3G consumes 2.2 kWh of electricity each year, which results in a power cost of $.25 annually.

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Other products that were included in the analysis were laptop PCs, which consume 72.3 kWh of electricity each year and cost consumers $8.31 and 60W CFL light bulbs which consume approximately 14 kWh of electricity and cost consumers $1.61 a year.

The light bulb data is remarkable. In other words, CFLs are $6.70 cheaper to run on an annual basis. This isn’t some crazy, if-you-left-it-on-24-7-365 scenario, either — it’s actual use. Multiply that $6.70 by 20 (or however many light bulbs you have in your house) and the difference is pretty stark.

I mean, that’s $130 that you could be spending buying Apple products. On installment.