What comes to mind when you think of mascots? A football game, complete with a sweaty teen in a horse costume, perhaps, or a certain doughboy of Pillsbury fame?

Whatever you thought of, it probably wasn’t climate change — or Angry Birds. But United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recently named Red (a notable character from the Angry Birds game and upcoming movie) the mascot for climate change action.

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We’ve been waiting to see how the Angry Birds’ climate mission, announced last year, would shake out. The campaign began on March 20, the International Day of Happiness, and aims to “make the Angry Birds happy” by encouraging young people to recycle, conserve water, and use public transit for a cleaner planet.

The celebrity voice actors behind the Angry Birds Movie — Maya Rudolph, Jason Sudeikis, and Josh Gad — also lent their support to Red’s campaign.

The Angry Bird remained silent as he was appointed the Honorary Ambassador of Green, but his downturned, mustachioed eyebrows sent the message loud and clear: He’s definitely not happy about something — and we’re guessing it’s climate change. (Word’s still out on whether or not Red enjoys being virtually catapulted toward poorly built enemy fortresses.)