Climate Politics
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The most dramatic climate fight of the election is in Washington state
A climate tax is opposed by some green groups that want a stronger focus on social justice.
Standing Rock youth bring the Dakota Access fight to Clinton HQ
As conflict in North Dakota worsens without a strong stance from the candidate, the issue comes to her doorstep.
Exclusive: EPA’s top official commits to doing right by communities of color
“The agency has a lot to prove,” Gina McCarthy told Grist. “And we are going to do that.”
The 2016 presidential debates all but ignored climate change
In all three presidential debates combined, the candidates spent just 5 minutes on the climate crisis.
Trump says cities are in decline. Reality says otherwise.
Fox News and Donald Trump would have you believe that cities are becoming more dangerous.
You’re getting a skewed view of this election
Liberals and conservatives absorb totally different streams of news, thanks in part to social media. Here’s how to broaden your perspective.
In wake of Wikileaks, Clinton’s campaign chair seeks to reassure climate activists
In an exclusive interview with Grist, John Podesta tells us that Hillary Clinton is sincere in her commitment to fighting climate change.
Top U.S. climate negotiator warns the world is watching our deplorable election
The Paris climate deal will never be fully “Trump-proof,” Jonathan Pershing says. But rolling back progress wouldn’t be so easy.
We fact-checked what Trump and Clinton said about energy at the debate
Donald Trump told a few lies about energy during Sunday's debate, while Hillary Clinton reiterated her warm feelings for natural gas.
Racism stands in the way of Obama’s push for affordable housing
Low-density zoning is often really about keeping non-whites from moving in. But that gives the federal government power to fight it.