Climate Politics
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It’s been 2 years since the last UN climate conference. So why do some activists want to postpone COP 26?
COVID-19 already derailed last year's conference.
Matthew Tejada is keeping the EPA’s eyes on environmental justice
“You need all the parties at the table, but that table is always centered on the community need.”
Does rural Illinois really need a new gas pipeline?
In this historic Black farming community, some want renewables instead.
More workers are dying from heat. Texas may make it harder to protect them.
Will the US finally enact national heat standards?
This attorney took on Chevron. Then Chevron-linked judges and private prosecutors had him locked up.
Steven Donziger's legal saga has demonstrated deep-rooted conflicts of interest in the judicial system when it comes to climate justice.
Disasters aren’t natural — they’re political, a new book argues
Preparing for climate change means urgently reimagining disaster management.
Biden-backed ‘blue’ hydrogen may pollute more than coal, study finds
The bipartisan infrastructure bill includes $8 billion to develop "clean hydrogen," but a new study finds the alternative fuel is highly polluting.
Follow the money: US subsidizes oil and gas so investors never lose
Finally, we have the numbers and they're not pretty, detailing how it doesn't matter what price fuel is.
The environmental justice logic behind Cori Bush’s fight for the eviction moratorium
For four nights, Bush slept outside the U.S. Capitol, demanding that President Joe Biden extend the moratorium protecting millions of renters from eviction.
Congress is finally starting to do something about toxic PFAS chemicals
The move follows consumption advisories for the "forever chemicals" in several states.