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How to help your neighbors when a pandemic hits? Exhibit A: Museums.
"All of this pain and suffering will force us all to ask very difficult questions about who we are."
Locusts and coronavirus: A Biblical nightmare strikes the horn of Africa
Locust swarms are multiplying in eastern Africa as farmers plant their next harvest and the coronavirus threat grows.
Shifting gears: The climate protest movement in the age of coronavirus
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Fridays for Future, the youth climate campaign, was seeing numbers of protesters decline. Now, the movement is recalibrating its strategies.
As oil crashes, ‘America’s untapped energy giant’ could rise
The coronavirus oil crash could be good news for this renewable energy underdog.
No news or bad news? Many people choose ignorance over staying informed, study finds
So what does that mean for climate action?
Study: The tiniest bit of air pollution makes COVID-19 more deadly
While Trump lifts curbs on air pollution, researchers connect dirty air with coronavirus deaths.
Coronavirus could cause the first big emissions drop in a decade
Coronavirus cleared the smog in NYC and LA. What about greenhouse gases?
Green transportation, from electric cars to walkable cities
Here's how the future of transportation might look a little greener
Why is climate change so unfair?
Climate change is not fair. But here’s why it’s more unfair for some than others.
Scientists say ocean life could rebound in 30 years — if we act now
“We have a narrow window of opportunity to deliver a healthy ocean to our grandchildren, and we have the knowledge and tools to do so.”