Climate Science
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Despite Groundhog Day, winters are getting shorter
It turns out Punxsutawney Phil is getting even worse at predicting when climate change is involved
Scientists make a stand to protect their work under Trump
And sometimes, they're succeeding.
Minnesota winters ain’t what they used to be
This cold snap is just a glimpse of past winters.
Bees face yet another lethal threat in dicamba, a drift-prone pesticide
The EPA extended its approval of the weed killer for two more years, despite scientists’ warnings.
For geoengineers, a scientific existential crisis
Technofixes for the climate crisis are no one’s first choice. What is it like to study something you wish would disappear?
The melting Arctic is revealing caveman-era landscapes
The last time Baffin Island was this warm our ancestors were hanging with Neanderthals
Just a reminder: The world is perilously close to annihilation!
It's two minutes to Doomsday.
The debate is over: The oceans are in hot, hot water
More than any other region on Earth, the oceans hold the answers for our planet's future. And right now, their health is spectacularly failing.
Ocean temps rising faster than scientists thought: Report
Scientists say the rate of ocean warming has led to more rain, increased sea levels, coral reef destruction and declining ocean oxygen levels.
Doomsday in Antarctica just got postponed a little
If we act on climate change now, there's a chance we can avoid total collapse of massive Antarctic glaciers this century.