The Nuclear Option

While we race to decarbonize the world economy, one carbon-free source of energy has fallen largely out of the conversation: nuclear energy. It’s expensive. It’s dangerous. It generates a lot of toxic waste of its own. At the same time, there’s a new generation of reactors, and the numbers of students earning degrees in nuclear engineering is back to levels not since since the 1980s. We take a good, long look at the most controversial source of clean energy.
In This Series
People tend to have strong opinions about nuclear power. Meet a few who changed their minds.
These five people changed their minds about nuclear power. Are you next?
A new documentary puts fresh, young faces on the old debate over nuclear power
Why in the world would you make a movie about nuclear power?
The U.N.’s climate report has something to piss everyone off
Everything’s on the table when it comes to fighting climate change.
Next-gen nuclear is coming, if we want it
Scores of nuclear startups are aiming to solve the problems that plague nuclear power.
Meltdowns, waste, and war: Here are the real risks of nuclear
There's something wrong with every source of energy. How do our nuclear nightmares compare?
When solar and wind need a boost, nuclear might be the best option
Nuclear power is plodding and costly. Does it still belong in a climate hawk’s quiver?
Is nuclear power really that expensive?
Here’s why smart people fight over this.
It’s time to go nuclear in the fight against climate change
We need to kick fossil fuels to the curb immediately. So we can't ignore any of our clean-energy options.