The real sharing economy

In This Series
Artisans transform one small town’s economy
Welcome to Tieton, Wash. The town of 1,200 could hold lessons for rural America.
The real sharing economy doesn’t require apps, just kindness
In the middle of a trans-continent bike trip, our hero discovers that in rural America, sharing comes naturally.
Can the sharing economy get this guy from Seattle to London by bike?
Former Grist fellow Sam Bliss just gave away most of his belongings and set off for the other side of the world. Here's hoping karma is really a thing.
This affordable housing complex has a solar farm on its roof
A community solar project in Seattle is powering the real sharing economy.
These urban farmers want to feed the whole neighborhood — for free
The Beacon Food Forest plants the heirloom seeds of a real sharing economy.
This co-op bike shop will teach you to fix your own damn bike (and that matters)
The bike kitchen movement greases the gears of the real sharing economy.
The sharing economy is bullsh!t. Here’s how we can take it back
Real sharing can help solve big problems like climate change. But we have to start small.