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  • Final week of Copenhagen, and the last act is not clear

    COPENHAGEN – Like all spellbinding human drama the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which today entered its second and last week, represents the accumulated chapters of an urgent script – the fate of the planet. Everybody in every corner of the world has a stake. Island nations, some of them starting to be swamped by […]

  • Mr. President, come to Copenhagen early

    I wish every American could get lost for a few days in the Bella Conference Center and the events surrounding it in Copenhagen.  I wish you could all see and feel the desperate depth of the world’s hunger for America to step all the way up to its responsibilities here. And since at least one […]

  • No time for tears in Copenhagen

    COPENHAGEN — I’ve spent the last few years working more than fulltime to organize the first big global grassroots climate change campaign. That’s meant shutting off my emotions most of the time—this crisis is so terrifying that when you let yourself feel too deeply it can be paralyzing. Hence, much gallows humor, irony, and sheer […]

  • On the message—not the arrests—at Copenhagen’s mass rally

    Demonstrators at Saturday’s climate-change march in Copenhagen.Grist photo/Jennifer PredigerI skipped Copenhagen’s large demonstration on Saturday for the same reason I missed the Bright Green expo and Desmond Tutu speaking at the Bella Center—there’s so freakin’ much happening here, so many events worth attending and reporting at every waking moment. I’ll post more soon about the […]

  • Postcard from Saturday’s mass climate demonstration in Copenhagen

    Saturday’s mass march to the Bella Center, where climate talks are ongoing, was boisterous and colorful, but largely peaceful. I expect that the tone of the demonstrations will shift in the next week as climate activists make a last-ditch push for a strong treaty. Climate Justice Action, an anti-corporate network, is calling on activists to […]

  • Tens of thousands march for climate action

    [vodpod id=Video.16192576&w=620&h=465&fv=offsite%3Dtrue%26amp%3Boffsite%3Dtrue%26amp%3Blang%3Den-us%26amp%3Bpage_show_url%3D%252Fphotos%252Fgrist%252Fsets%252F72157622861822159%252Fshow%252F%26amp%3Bpage_show_back_url%3D%252Fphotos%252Fgrist%252Fsets%252F72157622861822159%252F%26amp%3Bset_id%3D72157622861822159%26amp%3Bjump_to%3D]’s Jennifer Prediger on today’s big climate march: COPENHAGEN – The sun came out and skies were blue for the first time this week as climate activists from around the world gathered here this morning for the largest public gathering since the start of the international climate talks. Che Guevara, climate activist?Jennifer PredigerThe […]

  • Copenhagen demonstrators push negotiators to act

    COPENHAGEN – Great social movements are about the intelligence and vision of individuals, and the compelling strength of crowds. Both have been in abundance throughout the first week of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, and especially on Saturday. Jennifer PredigerWearing polar bear costumes, red suits and dark glasses, black jeans and matching black tee-shirts, […]

  • Locke-in-Copenhagen:

    Commerce Secretary Gary Locke has a well-earned reputation as a sharp, level-headed, practical leader. Most people wouldn’t describe him as a visionary. But in his excellent speech yesterday in Copenhagen, he laid out the case for profound transformation, and the explosive economic opportunities that come with it. Check out this passage (emphasis in bold is […]

  • In Copenhagen: island nations confront big emitters

    Cross-posted from The Nation. Big news from Copenhagen today, where the divide between big emitters and at-risk nations deepened, threatening the prospects of reaching a climate deal for President Obama and other heads of state to sign when they arrive at the summit next week. In a day of major developments, the Alliance of Small […]