Articles by Founder & Creative Officer Chip Giller
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“If people aren’t pissed off, it ain’t working”: A chat with green billionaire Tom Steyer
Tom Steyer has made waves in climate politics with big money and hard-nosed tactics. Grist chats with him about Keystone, EPA, Obama, and how to win the climate fight.
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‘Screaming headlines’ vs. reasonable people: A talk with the EPA’s Lisa Jackson
In her time at the helm of the Enivronmental Protection Agency, Jackson has gone from crusading to embattled. She talks with us about false choices between green ideals and greenbacks, the power of peer review, and cleaning up coal.
Last day to ‘beat’ our goal!
We need just a few more gifts by midnight to earn an additional $25k from a generous donor. We're so close -- don't let us leave that money on the table!