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Articles by Terry Tamminen

Terry Tamminen is the former secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency and is now a policy adviser and author. His latest book is Watercolors: How JJ the Whale Saved Us.

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  • Kristianstad + Cancun = A New Economy

    Nearly 200 nations made modest advances in Cancun, Mexico last week towards a new agreement on tackling carbon pollution and modernizing global economies. The incremental progress obscures a bigger question – – can any set of goals, policies, or technologies wean the world off of fossil fuels before the cheap ones run out or before […]

  • Climate Change Deniers Will Go Hungry Too

    Trying to get investors and policymakers to focus on things we can all agree on, such as saving energy and money or creating domestic renewable energy jobs, I have refused to engage the climate change skeptics. After all, it’s somewhat irrelevant whether global warming is caused by humans if the measures to change that trajectory […]

  • Beware of drug pushers in Cancun

    Beneath so much apparent agreement in Cancun lies the real truth -- some of its loudest delegates also those pushing for dirty coal.

  • R20 – A Carbon Rebel Alliance

    A long, long time ago…in a galaxy far, far away…a group of states and provinces banded together in frustration that their national governments were held hostage by Big Oil & Coal and had been unable to break free to harness the economic development opportunities presented by renewable energy, alternative fuels, energy efficiency, and carbon markets. […]