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Articles by Terry Tamminen

Terry Tamminen is the former secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency and is now a policy adviser and author. His latest book is Watercolors: How JJ the Whale Saved Us.

All Articles

  • Advice for a carbon-powered Congress

    At least three oracles offer a different vision for our carbon-powered Congress to follow that may result in more jobs and a faster economic recovery.

  • Energy lessons from Manhattan to Marrakech

    At the World Economic Forum in Marrakech last week, I expected to hear the sustainability challenges of the Middle East and North Africa described in some detail -- from education to health care, from women in the workplace to replacing oil. I was not disappointed, but what I did not expect to hear in that setting was a lesson on energy economics from Manhattan.

  • The politics of palm oil

    Revlon’s eyeliners. Nabisco’s Oreo cookies. Caress’ Tahitian Renewal Silkening Exfoliating Pomegranate Seeds & Tahitian Palm Oil Body Wash. These are a few of the hundreds of everyday products containing palm oil — products that Walmart announced last week it would soon require to prove used only sustainably sourced palm oil. Meanwhile, the World Bank stopped […]

  • Green fraud is even more harmful than greenwashing

    The Federal Trade Commission proposed guidelines to address greenwashing. It's a worthy effort, but they should go beyond greenwashing and tackle green fraud