Climate Climate & Energy
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Will history repeat in a dry Klamath Basin this summer?
This year’s drought is worse than in 2001, when political and environmental tensions exploded into the national spotlight.
How oysters and seagrass could help the California coast adapt to rising seas
Seawalls can make erosion worse. This California scientist is looking for another solution.
Remember snow days? Today’s kids get heat days.
America’s schools are underprepared for the worst impacts of climate change.
Keystone XL is history. What about the other pipelines?
Activists say Biden needs to do more on pipelines to uphold his climate promises.
Report: Climate action is a double-edged sword for nature
Here’s why that matters.
Texas Republican asks: Can we fix the moon’s orbit to fight climate change?
“I’d have to follow up with you on that one,” says forestry official Jennifer Eberlien to bizarre question from Louie Gohmert.
Ban Ki-moon wants to solve the climate crisis with kindness
The former U.N. secretary-general on the dinner parties and diplomacy that led to the Paris Agreement.
The climate bill even Big Agriculture loves
Even some hardline conservative senators like the Growing Climate Solutions Act. But will it make a dent in emissions?
Illinois had a chance to pass one of the most progressive clean energy bills in the country. It failed.
How the state went from multiple clean energy bills to none.
A zombie-fire outbreak may be growing in the North
“Overwintering” fires smolder under the snow, reigniting vegetation in the spring. New research shows the zombies may proliferate in a warmer world.