What one man can accomplish in a few short years. Just let the crazy wash over you:
- Bill McKibben's climate change activism group 350.org is a communist plot March 2011
- Winter disproves global warming March 2010
- Beck peddles 'food insurance' kits: "More than peak oil or financial crash, I fear angry men armed to the teeth." November 2010
- Beck sneers at the food safety bill December 2010
- Race-baiting Beck insists Van Jones is a communist ex-con on a mission to dispense reparations for slavery September 2009
- Beck insists Van Jones is a black nationalist taking over the U.S. from the inside July 2009
- Not content with Van Jones resignation, Beck targets 'other radicals' September 2009
- Obama's clean energy agenda will destroy the economy, energy advisor Carol Browner is a socialist October 2009
- Cap and trade will cost American families $1,761 a year September 2009
- The smart grid is a socialist plot to steal our thermostats March 2009
Bonus! Here are a couple of clips charting the earliest evolution of Beck's denialism.
Cow farts produce more greenhouse gases than cars July 2007
Climate change is a complete and utter hoax, here are a bunch of denialists to prove it May 2007