Is that global warming, or am I just flushing in embarrassment? This awful/awesome rap about anthropogenic climate change lets actual climate scientists take the stage for once — and then proceed to make fools of themselves. We learned several things from the video:

  • There's no denying this: Climate change is real! (real real real)
  • Reader support helps sustain our work. Donate today to keep our climate news free.
  • Climate scientists are really, REALLY white.
  • Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

  • No, I mean like, they are worse rappers than Flight of the Conchords. By a significant margin.
  • Also, maybe not everything sounds better autotuned.

On the other hand, you gotta give them props for going balls to the wall. How many causes would YOU rap for on YouTube? I thought so.

(P.S. about the only way this video is remotely street is that it has some NSFW language. So it's not just like watching your dad rap, it's like watching your dad rap AND say "motherf*cker.")

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